
You cannot login(3)

Question: I tried to log into my account, and it told me I needed to create a secondary password (even though I already have one) and then I put in my regular secondary password and it said "you cannot login(3)", how do I get back in?

Answer: This happens if your account is already logged in, like on a laptop, and now you're attempting to log into the desktop. Or if you just got kicked from the game by disconnecting or some other error, and the game doesn't realize you're not still connected. You have to wait for about 5 minutes before being able to get in. If the error lasts longer than 15 minutes, and you're absolutely sure you're not logged in another computer, feel free to write about it on the forum.

Also, you don't have to (and shouldn't) continually enter a secondary password while this is happening. Just click the back button, and then every so often click the login button. If you get the message that you have to create a new secondary password, you know it isn't ready, and you can click cancel again. When the new secondary password message stops popping up, you should be able to get in fine.

On 2/15/2014, channel 7 of Ruairi went down and anyone switching to channel 7 is now in a state of Limbo, unable to access their accounts. They will have to wait to have the channel re-set by someone at Nexon. Most likely on the 18th, as the 17th is a federal holiday.

During the weekend of March 15/16th, Tarlach is having the same issue. Hopefully fixed by Nexon on Monday (but it is St. Patty's Day).

Edit: Tarlach may have been fixed. Try logging in again.


  1. my mabi still wont let me login and its been hours

  2. So I've been having this problem since last night and I'm stuck as to what to do

    1. To both of you: If you're on Tarlach, you're going to have to wait for someone at Nexon to come into work to fix it. Sorry.

  3. Should I send a ticket or will it happen on its own?

    1. I would send a ticket if you have service and want to be reimbursed for your time lost on something you paid for. But they will fix it (whenever they get into work) without people sending in tickets.

  4. Alright thanks for the help, just wish I was able to make the best of this life production weekend XD

  5. I am now having the same error, on Alexina though. It's been hours and I still can't get into the game.

  6. Im absolutely sure that im not logged on to any other computer/ Nor have I been hacked or kicked from the server. My channel is Ruairi and I've been down for 3.5 hours. Help is needed.

  7. I've been down for 3.5 hours, Ruiari is my server. I can't get in what so ever and I've tried nearly everything in the book. Any help?

    -The Desperate Mabi Player

    1. I haven't heard of any channels going down. So try a ticket, post on the forum, and/or try logging in every so often.

  8. I am having issues with my login. I attempt to login to the game via my desktop, and it says "Invalid ID and Password." This is also the case on the website. I am unable to submit a ticket since I cannot login. This has been the status for a little over 24 hours now. Halp? :/
