
I want less Lag, D/Cs, & easier movability.

Question: I want to have less lag, smoother game play, and less D/Cs. How do I do that?

Answer: Go into the Options Section and...
1) Color Depth should be low
2) "Expand Zoom" & "Range of Vision" should both be all the way to the left. (so you're not seeing things far off, which may be annoying, but decreases the chance you're going to crash)
3) Turn off all the effects, under the effects tab. Change to "Not Used" for the pull down settings.
4) Go to the Performance Tab.
~Minimize Characters will turn the other players clothes into robes, so there's less detail being shown. This setting annoys some people, but is very effective in speeding the game up in more laggy situations. If it's on the left, more people will be in robes, than if it's to the right.
~Simplify Demigod effects
~Check "Mini Effects" (This one helps to decrease lag, but causes annoyance. You will not see bard effects. metallurgy spots, or shylienn spots) You can turn it on and off, and go to your homestead or leave your HS to see the effects change.
5) Go to Game, Etc Tab and make sure "Hide Quest Info" is checked. You can also check "Hide Talent Title Icon" while you're there if you don't care to see them (they can also increase lag).

When you're in the game, if you click enter, you can speak in the section at the bottom (sure you know this). But if you click on a tab, like Whisper, nothing from the other tabs will show up. You may dislike not seeing other people speak in many situations, but this can help if you don't care, and in a really laggy situation.

Hit Alt & 'n', and/or Alt & 'p' : These hide the n = names, and p = party ads over people's heads. You can hit Alt & n/p to get them to show up again.

Lowering Lag outside of Game Options:
1) Disabling Nagle's Algorithm
2) Lowering your MTU
Information on those here: Wiki's Lag Solutions

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